
慢下來,將發掘心底最深處的自己 -影片分享(請開字幕)

Dr.Barry Kerzin身兼僧侶、教師與醫生在演講中,分享了四個主題:


講者:Barry Kerzin
貝瑞卡辛博士身兼僧侶、教師與醫生等多樣角色,現為「心靈與生命研究中心」學者,亦兼任馬克斯.普朗克研究機構(Max Planck Institute)位於萊比錫進行「同情心訓練」研究計劃的顧問。研究之外,他也同時擔任威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校與普林斯頓大學中,長期冥想者與腦部關係的研究對象。

  卡辛博士25年來長期居住於印度達蘭薩拉,為窮人以及達賴喇嘛在內的眾多藏傳佛教僧侶提供免費的醫療照護。此外,一年有七個月的時間,他周遊印度、日本、馬來西亞、蒙古人民共和國、北美、歐洲與俄羅斯等地。他在醫學院與大學的演講著重於現代科學、佛教哲學與心理學的交匯,以及對世俗道德、 同情心、智慧、冥想、瀕死與死亡等領域。

Dr. Barry Kerzin is a Buddhist monk, teacher, and a medical doctor.   He is currently a faculty member of Mind and Life Institute and consults for the Max Planck Institute Leipzig’s research on training compassion.  His brain was studied as part of research on long-term meditators at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Princeton University.

Dr. Kerzin has lived in Dharamsala, India for 25 years providing free medical care to many high lamas, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and to the poor.  He spends about 7 months annually teaching around the world in India, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, North America, Europe, Ukraine, and Russia.  He lectures on the interface of modern science and Buddhist psychology and philosophy, as well as secular ethics, compassion, wisdom, meditation, and death and dying in medical schools and universities.

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